Peter Coombes


Peter Coombes started his automotive career as an apprentice with the UK Ford Motor Co and then worked in Ford R+D. Peter moved into the diagnostic industry and in 1986, he wrote and published his first book for the aftermarket repair industry, which dealt with the operation and diagnosis of Electronic Fuel Injection. Peter became a leading author and lecturer for the independent repair sector, with numerous technical articles, books and other publications being created.

Pete slowly built a small business where he and his team developed a national technician training programme and technical hotline in addition to producing books for the UK independent repair technicians. At the end of 1999, Peter sold his business to a global diagnostic equipment company, which unfortunately collapsed with the bursting of the technology bubble. However, Peter reformed the business but now maintains a small team that has enabled Peter to go back to what he enjoys most, which is writing technical books and delivering technical training. Peter has more recently re-authored a long established and respected publication for apprentice technicians and, in 2009 Peter wrote and published  the “Code Breaker” book, which has become one of the most successful technical books in the UK market for repair technicians.

Having worked with the guys at Baum tools over the years, Peter is now continuing that relationship by developing an exciting new project in conjunction with Baum and Euro Auto Training.

Peter has since his early teens been regarded as a “Gear Head” (Petrol Head in the UK); this continues with his passion for high revving red Italian sports cars, but he also continues to enjoy two wheels by regular touring around the UK on a superbly lazy Harley Davidson.